Take the first step toward unlocking your future. ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ offers a multitude of majors and degree programs, considered some of the nation’s best.
Colleges & Schools
Learn more about each of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½â€™s colleges and schools.
Academic Departments
Alphabetical list of academic departments and programs.
Graduate Programs
Advance your education and career path with a graduate degree.
Imagine. Define. Create.
Construct your own future with an individualized plan that puts you in the driver’s seat. With 150+ undergraduate majors, and 200+ graduate programs, we’ll help you craft a unique course of action full of limitless possibilities. As a premier research university, we offer unparalleled innovation and the support of a world-class faculty that’s committed to your success both inside and outside the classroom.
Academic Calendar
Check here for semester start and end dates, school holidays, commencement and more.
Academic Advising
The Advising Resource Center provides individual, collaborative relationships between academic advisors and students.
Take advantage of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ libraries to help you study, research and achieve your academic goals.
Academic Catalogs
Read everything you need to know about courses, majors, colleges, policies and procedures.
Think Tank
Tutoring services provided to students, providing a positive environment where they can master the skills needed to become successful lifelong learners.
Student Academic Policies
Look here for policies on grades, registration, attendance, graduating, transferring, withdrawal, honors and more.
Global Engagement
Experience the global influence and far-reaching impact of one of the top 1% of universities in the world. (Center for World University Rankings, 2024).
W.A. Franke Honors College
Learn more about W.A. Franke Honors College that serves nearly 4,000 high-achieving undergraduates. The Honors College enables students to strive for the highest levels of excellence and engage in research.